What We Do

Chorus America’s resources and professional development opportunities help choruses across North America contribute to their communities. Our members receive discounts on our programs, full access to our resources, and personalized help from Chorus America's staff.


Our annual Conference brings together more than 500 choral conductors, administrators, singers, board members, and business members every June. Highlights include high-quality plenary and breakout sessions with nationally renowned speakers and practitioners, concerts featuring leading choruses from the area, and networking events.

Other key programs include our Chorus Management Institutes and online learning initiatives. Our conducting programs offer advanced training to prepare choral conductors for lifetime professional conducting careers.

Articles, Resources, and Research

Our articles highlight important issues and new trends in the choral field, as well best practices and successful strategies for taking your chorus to the next level. Visit our Resource Center to access sample job descriptions, contracts, templates, and more.

Chorus America has published ground-breaking studies and reports on the number of choruses and choral singers in the U.S., what motivates choral music audiences, and more. We also track data on chorus operations and management practices, including compensation information, through our Chorus Operations Survey.


Chorus America is the leading advocacy organization for choruses. We give voice to the choral field, collaborate with arts colleagues on key advocacy initiatives, and provide research and tools that help make a compelling case for support of choral music.