The Feldenkrais Method for Singers—Vocalizing To Release Tension

Through a self-discovery process using movement, the practice of Feldenkrais can help singers perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. In this video, Feldenkrais practitioner Karen Clark guides a singer to notice and then release tension while vocalizing.

Episode 1: Introduction (17:07 min.)
Episode 2: Centering with the Breath (5:59 min.)
Episode 3: Opening the Throat (6:09 min.)
Episode 4: Relaxing the Tongue (11:30 min.)
Episode 5: Releasing Eye Tension (9:52 min.)
Episode 6: Vocalizing to Release Tension (6:01 min.)
Episode 7: Achieving Relaxed Alertness (3:25 min.)



Singing with Your Whole Self: The Feldenkrais Method and Voice
Clark, Karen. (2002) Article: The Impulse to Sing; Feldenkrais Journal, No. 14