The Feldenkrais Method for Singers—Relaxing the Tongue

The practice of Feldenkrais can help singers perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. In this video, Feldenkrais practitioner Karen Clark demonstrates how to train the powerful tongue muscle to cooperate with rather than hinder the singing process.

Episode 1: Introduction (17:07 min.)
Episode 2: Centering with the Breath (5:59 min.)
Episode 3: Opening the Throat (6:09 min.)
Episode 4: Relaxing the Tongue (11:30 min.)
Episode 5: Releasing Eye Tension (9:52 min.)
Episode 6: Vocalizing to Release Tension (6:01 min.)
Episode 7: Achieving Relaxed Alertness (3:25 min.)



Singing with Your Whole Self: The Feldenkrais Method and Voice
Clark, Karen. (2002) Article: The Impulse to Sing; Feldenkrais Journal, No. 14